

We help you send electronic health information

So you can help patients faster

You take care of patients. Every second counts and we recognize that. With BeDirect we help you send information quickly and securely. We are respectful of your clinical workflow.

This is why we will deliver the information to your EHR, secure email program, or web application. BeDirect can help you be HIPAA compliant, achieve Meaningful Use Stage 2, and obtain state incentives.

We offer BeDirect in two options


Messaging Servers in your network

With this option we send the Direct messages to your environment. The encryption and decryption happen in our network.

Using your internal secure servers

The messages will be stored in your network.

Using your software

We can deliver directly to your EHR when it has NwHIN Direct functionality. You can also read messages using the tools you are already using: Outlook, Apple Mail.

Leveraging your existing infrastructure

You have invested and trust your network. This is a solution for you.


Messaging servers in our network

With this option we use our HIPAA compliant BeDirect servers.

Using our secure servers

The messages will be encrypted, decrypted and stored in our secure servers.

Using our web interface

You will be reading messages through a sleek and powerful web page.

No need for servers

You don't want the hassle of dealing with servers. With this option a browser will be sufficient.

This is our intuitive web interface

(for BeDirect Message subscribers)


Here are our certifications and affiliations

We are DirectTrust/EHNAC certified for DTAAP HISP, CA, and RA certifications. Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation ensures adherence to data processing standards and compliance with security infrastructure, integrity and trusted identity, requirements necessary when dealing with health information.

We are now a part of the DirectTrust Anchor Bundle. This will allow a quick establishment of trust between our clients and the nationwide Direct subscribers.

DirectTrust is an independent non-profit trade association created by and for participants in the Direct community with the common goal to establish and maintain a national Security and Trust Framework in support of Directed exchange.

We are an approved vendor of Direct Services for the Tennessee Office of eHealth.
The mission of the Tennessee Office of eHealth Initiatives is to facilitate improvements in Tennessee’s health care quality, safety, transparency, efficiency and cost effectiveness through statewide adoption and use of electronic health records (EHR) and HIE.

We are a part of the NwHIN Direct Project. We participate regularly in the Direct Connect-a-thons organized for the NwHIN Direct communities. Here are the links to the past events:

July 2013
May 2013
Feb 2013
Dec 2012
Jun 2012
Feb 2012

This is our mother ship. Infomedtrix was formed in 2009 with the purpose of helping South East Tennessee and North Georgia medical community improve patient care through the use of electronic health records (EHR) and health information exchange.